Ruixiang Jiang

Interests: security system, software engineering


Undergraduate: Computer Science & Technology, SUSTech

Courses: Software Engineering, Computer Security, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Compilers, Embedded Systems and Microcomputer Principle, etc.

Work Experience

Fall 2021: Entered SUSTech

Fall 2022: Entered Prof. Yinqian's lab in SUSTech

Summer 2024: Entered Prof. Joshua's lab in UCI for UCInspire


First Prize, National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP, China) Senior, 2016

First Prize, SUSTech Freshman Scholarship, 2021

Second Prize, SUSTech Outstanding Student Scholarship, 2022

Top Ten SUSTech Volunteer Awards, 2022

Second Prize, SUSTech Outstanding Student Scholarship, 2023


Fall 2023: Supported Firecracker virtualization for Asterinas platform

Spring 2024: Implemented IMA for Asterinas TDX version

Summer 2024: Tried to transform projects using UNSAFE to FFM API


Phone: (+86) 181 3015 3162, (+1) 949 695 0674

Email: jiangrx2021 at mail dot sustech dot edu dot cn

chjrx0387 at gmail dot com

ruixiaj at uci dot edu


Curriculum Vitae

Click here to view my CV